What is financial planning?

Financial planning is creating a GPS for your financial life. It determines where you are right now, where you want to go and how to get there in the most efficient way possible. Unlike a regular GPS, you probably have multiple goals or destinations; some may be short, medium and/or long term. These need to be prioritized so that you can adjust to get the life you want and deal with planned and unplanned events along the way.

The comprehensive plan helps to integrate the 6 key areas of your financial life, so that they work together for the best possible outcome. This could include integrating your business assets (if applicable). We can focus on one or all of the areas, depending on your requirements and budget. All of this needs to be done in the most tax efficient way possible. These areas include:


  • Managing Cash Flow

  • Saving & Investing

  • Planning For Major Expenses

  • Maximizing Your Retirement

  • Preparing For The Unexpected / Insurance

  • Sharing Your Wealth / Estate Planning


Your Financial Plan | Wealth Max Financial


The Benefits of having a Wealth Maximization Financial Plan

  • Clarity & focus

  • Control & direction

  • Simplicity & empowerment

  • Peace of mind

  • Time savings

  • Maximized results

  • Increased cash flow & after-tax income

  • Better Quality of life

  • Accountability & Results


If you would like to find out more about our fee-based planning services we can provide you with our initial assessment and evaluation. This service is valued at $450 but is offered on a complementary basis to determine if we are a good fit and which areas we will focus on. Don’t forget to bring your documentation to maximize your benefit from this meeting.

Financial planning is a fee-based service, and you can decide whether to implement with us or not.